2 Common Real Estate Photography MISTAKES I Have Made That Can Easily be AVOIDED.
Avoid these common mistakes so that you can skip that awkward phone call to your client. Trust me, that call is no fun, I have been there. The following are a couple mistakes I have made in the process of shooting many hundreds of houses.
1. Missing a room
If you shoot enough houses this is bound to happen eventually. That door you thought was a closet? Yea, it was a tiny bathroom.
Now you have to gather up your gear and your pride and head back to the house just for a tiny bathroom.
The walk of shame up the sidewalk to the doorbell will sear this memory into your brain for all eternity. It cost you valuable time and resources and at best was a minor inconvenience to your client and the homeowner.
Always check every door unless asked explicitly by the agent or homeowner.
2. Not checking ISO
I love astrophotography. I started RE photography with the Sony A6000, and less than 20 shoots into my career I made a huge blunder.
This particular shoot was my first time with a friendly and chatty homeowner that was into photography as well.
The conversation was so engaging that I forgot to check my ISO and failed to remember that I was using my camera a couple nights before for some late night astrophotography.
Sadly, I didn’t notice until I started editing. I tried and tried to find a way to get rid of the noise. I did everything I could think of to avoid having to call the realtor and explain my mistake.
But the damage was already done.
Always triple check your settings prior to taking the first photo.
Focus Ring Set
ISO set
Aperture Set
Just in case you were wondering, the walk of shame for a complete re-shoot is much worse than simply missing a room. 😅